Selecting Subject Modules
For Winter 2024/25: KLIPS portal will open 27.08. - 18.09.
How to choose your Subject Modules
You have to register for the Subject Module(s) of your choice via Klips. Each term, Subject Modules are offered in blocks of 7 weeks, either in the first or the second half of the term. Please select your modules as follows:
- Login into KLIPS 2 with your smail account.
- Select the modules you are interested in, 3 parallel modules for each period (!). Please note: One of your final two modules has to be a BiochemicalSM
- Express your preferences (1=highest to 3=lowest priority).
If in doubt check the online KLIPS tutorial, contact software support or
Registration will be confirmed via KLIPS at a fixed date some time after registration ends.
Please note, that although we try to assign top priorities first, it is not always possible.
Refresh Lab Working (optional for 1st semester) - 7.10.-11.10.2024
You have an international BSc degree or studied applied sciences?
If you would like to receive a refresher to basic laboratory work, you are cordially invited!
Please send a short email expressing your interest to
Subject Modules offered in winter term 2024/25
1st half Subject Modules (14.10.-29.11.2024) | 2nd half Subject Modules (02.12. - 20.12.2024 + 07.01.-31.01.2025) |
Weekly throughout winter term Tuesdays and Fridays 8:15 - 9:45: MN-BC-ABMM - Advanced Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Suckale
During the lecture-free period
(25.02.25 - 31.03.25): MN-BC-SW – Scientific Writing, Suckale
Subject Modules planned for summer term 2025 (descriptions of 2024)
During the lecture-free period
Weekly throughout summer term Monday 8-10 AM + Conference in summer (22.-26.07.2024): MN-BC-HT - Hot Topics in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, Suckale